2 %

100% in 50 days
  • your money back after 50 days
  • automatic withdrawals instantly from $20
  • unlimited Rewards in 4 Levels

world's best crowdfunding

About us

Artificial intelligence managing crypto resources

Simply and quickly, and without human interference, CRYPTRUE makes a true management of crypto resources in a multi-market fund, so that everyone can participate and make profits.

If you are in search of a reliable financial project with high quality of asset management service become a customer of CrypTrue LTD and earn 2% every day on an ongoing basis, - any of your deposits will be any work and bring you profits for life.

profit steps

  • Make deposit from
    from the first block of $40

    To start investing you only have to make the deposit through your member area and send a payment from your USDT TRC20 wallet. Your deposit will be added almost instantly!

  • Receive stable daily earnings
    and get your deposit back after 50 days

    After you made your deposit, profit of 2% is accrued every 24 hours with the possibility to withdraw it at any time.

  • Increase your income
    with the affiliate program

    Want to earn more? Start using your personal affiliate link and attract referrals! Every deposit of your direct referral brings 5% reward.
    You can also earn 5% more on your second and third levels and an incredible 20% on fourth level

  • Affiliate commission

    We offer rewards on 4 levels:

    5% on your 1st level
    5% on your 2nd level
    5% on your 3rd level
    20% on your 4th level

Affiliate programm

We offer the best opportunity to increase your income using partnership tools

For sure you want to earn more! We offer the best opportunity to increase your income using partnership tools. You can promote CrypTrue LTD and its investment program applying your personal affiliate link or placing advertisement banners on forums, websites or your personal blog. Set your referral link on favorite forum or use as email signature; share this link with your friends, relatives and colleagues – no restrictions for the spread of this.